Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blog # 5: Experience at High School (1/26)

I feel that my overall experience at the high school went well. There seemed to be a positive atmosphere throughout the room. Two students from our group were absent that day so I think we could only go so far with our brainstorming in order to grant the absent students some room for their opinions and ideas. One student was a bit out of it, however, I think he perceived that the cake project might provoke some interesting happenings in the future. I am very curious to see this project progress and the actions and reactions that will occur as we cross the barriers that exist within the clay world and gravity. I am pretty sure the students have decided to go with the banana spilt/sundae idea. I like the idea. Who disagrees with ice cream? I also googled a blurb about the origins of the ice cream sundae. Historians actually have three different opinions - one version comes from Illinois! Maybe they could make some historical/social connections. I have printed off several close-up and detailed photographs of ice cream for the students. They might come in handy in the future when they are focusing on the textural details of the ice cream. I hope we can encourage a bit more activity from the students during our next visit (dive into the project with a bit more energy and accomplish some more of their sketching).


  1. Good idea to bring in some examples to show the students.
    I'm worried about the gravity part too, especially since my students decided to make a castle. Hopefully it will be a structurally sound one.

  2. I'm worried to about the construction! I hope the teacher has some ideas? Hopefully the students don't get discouraged if things aren't exactly like in their sketches. I'm excited to see what your cake looks like!

  3. Bringing in history references is a great idea! I love it when you can link two seemingly unlike things together, and I'm sure it would look great to your superiors too if you were the teacher in this classroom...good thinking!

  4. I think you'll have more luck with student involvement as the project progresses. As the students see the fruits of their labor (no pun intended), they are more likely to take pride in their work and make a more solid investment in its success.
    I think bringing in the print-outs is a good idea. It will show the students that you have spent time thinking about the project, and will possibly encourage them to spend some outside time thinking about it as well.

  5. Glad to see you do some digging for students. Even though they have changed their idea it would still be fun to share the origins of the Sundae
