Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blog # 6: Identity and Artwork

I was in a deep state of fluctuation with my identity in high school. I was wrestling with who I was and who I wanted to be. I battled with such low self-esteem throughout middle school and a bit through out high school. I think that is one of the reasons I fell into some the traps that I did. I was in this awkward state of frailness and craving to be noticed. At the same time I believed all my ideas were flawless and I loudly voiced my opinions. Especially to my parents because they usually listened. I started realizing that things in the world aren't as they seem. I constantly wondered why everyone else could live with some of the harsh realities of the world. In middle school and high school I was emerging out of a sugar coated world and into reality.

I think my identity really began to develop much further once I was out of my parents house, living on my own, and starting to forging my own way through the world. Maybe our identities are in a constant state of development. Now, I know I look at things and see myself differently than I did when I first went to college and was getting my B.A.

I think my artwork is always changing in some aspect or another. It has definitely evolved from my work in high school. I am happy that I can still look back on a few of my high school works and appreciate them for what they are and what I was as an artist at that point of time in my life. When I was younger, I think my focus was on learning how to use different mediums instead of the messages that I wanted to send my viewers. I was more concerned with acquiring skills so I could later manipulate and alter them in some way.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with struggling with my identity throughout high school. It's hard to not try to be what everyone else wants you to be but that's a must for your own self-esteem. It's very similar to artwork. Would you rather create work that others love and want from you or would you rather create work that YOU love and that expresses yourself through it? That's the only way I have begun to address my identity issues. Great post!
