What makes me feel guilty?
- When I am not very productive
- When my pallet of mixed colors of paint dries out - and my unfinished paintings start to collect dust
- When I don't spend enough time with the important people in my life
- When I talk too much and if I interrupt others
- When I watch T.V.
- When I don't walk my dog or play frisbee with her often
- When I eat junk food or go out to eat too often
- If I am not prepared
- That I temporally stopped making/writing music
- When I slack-off on my sketchbook/journal
- If my schedule has conflicts and I am unable to do what I have told someone I could do
- When I think about how lucky I am compared to many people in the world
- That I don't keep up my second language - and my little sister has mastered it
- That I am so not Eco-friendly by commuting to Iowa City and the amount of $ I throw to the gas companies
What makes me feel worthy?
- Making art
- Being myself and a trying my best
- Being a good and reliable friend, sister, daughter,girlfriend, and employee
- Getting my art education teaching certification and braving the education system
- Sticking with my passion and doing what is important to me
- Helping others
- Donating my art for a good cause
- My dog, Sierra, was rescued from the pound
- Volunteering
What makes me laugh?
- Funny movies
- myself
- My friends and family
- My dog, Sierra
- The ironies of life
- Retelling my once most embarrassing childhood memories/stories about my siblings and myself
- King of Queens, the Office, and The Colbert Report
What embarrasses me?
- Being late
- Telling a story and I totally forget the point that I was going to make
- When I totally misinterpret something
- If I fall in front of a bunch of people
- When I grab the best looking apple in the produce aisle and the rest of the pile spills on to the floor
What thrills me?
- A beautiful day
- Roller coasters
- Being able to go on a vacation
- When we bought our fist home
- Throwing a fun party
- Going to live concerts
- Going to Johnny's Italian Steakhouse
What comforts me?
- A great pair of PJs and slippers
- My significant other
- A cup of coffee or hot tea
- Ice cream
- A bath
- Writing in my journal
- Bonfires or a fire in the fireplace
- Being in a greenhouse
- Reading bibliographies
What makes me sad?
- When others are in pain
- My cell phone and cable bill
- When I see paper in the garbage can and not in a recycle bin
- When I see the homeless holding signs by the interstate ramps
- Schools that don't have art classrooms
- If I miss a special event
- Abused animals
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