family: daughter, sister, niece, step-niece
gender: female
education: B.A. in Studio Arts- painting, minor in Spanish
sexual orientation: heterosexual
nationhood: American, Irish
neighborhood: West end
race: Caucasian
body type: short
preferred leisure activity: art, music, games, walking my dog
political belief: I share bits of perspective from many sides
religious affiliation: n/a
state of health: healthy
economic status: middle class
age: 25
generational identity: generation y or millenniums
marital status: single
diet: food - love it, except for seafood
preferred websites: amazon, etsy, Smithsonian
music: almost all types, surf, rockabilly, jazz, blues, old country, pop, funk, rock, 80s', indie, punk, alternative, folk, Americana, classic rock, reggae, etc.
taste in fashion: simple, I buy what I can afford and is comfortable -but I love retro and vintage stuff
taste in art: abstract, German expressionism, cubism, pop, figurative - appreciate almost all of it
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