Monday, February 22, 2010
Modern Day Athena, Peace Within

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Blog # 12: LGBTQ
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Blog # 11: A Moment of Discrimination
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Blog # 10: Lesson Plan Ideas
Students will create a work of art that represents something that sparks indignation. They must choose an issue that's physical setting takes place outside of the United States. I want to recommend that they choose an issue that they have found themselves to connect with and feel passionate about even though it is occurring miles away.
Their piece should provoke the viewer to somehow feel connected to this issue even though it is physically occurring outside of the country. It should entice them to relate to the situation as well as illustrate at least 3 details about the issue/situation to help inform the viewer and broaden their perspective on an event that they might have overlooked in the national news section of the newspaper.
Materials: mixed media (collage- newspaper clippings would probably be a great addition too!), colored pencils, watercolors)
I think this is a valuable lesson because high school students are at that blossoming time in their lives where they are becoming more aware of other events and issues throughout the world. Their concepts of the world are developing as they begin to think about the world beyond themselves. I believe it's important for us to get out of our bubbles and be aware of what is going on in other parts of the world. This lesson will encourage some research as well. I also believe that this lesson would be a good source for valuable discussions and a way for students to teach each other new information and voice awareness for issues that might usually get swept under the rug. I want students to bring out the advocates inside themselves and voice issues that are unjust and need to be heard.
I think this is a valuable activity for students, however, I imagine I might run into problems with appropriateness for the schools setting. It's almost a catch-22 because some things that happen in the world aren't beautiful or pretty to look at, they are harsh, disturbing, cruel, and inhumane. I want to allow students freedom to express themselves and their message, but at the same time I might have to sensor some of the images students wish to display.
Artists to show students:

Oswaldo Guyasamin, Las manos de las esperanzas

I am still searching for more contemporary artists as examples.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Blog # 9: Self Identification: Transpersonal (3.C)

family: daughter, sister, niece, step-niece
gender: female
education: B.A. in Studio Arts- painting, minor in Spanish
sexual orientation: heterosexual
nationhood: American, Irish
neighborhood: West end
race: Caucasian
body type: short
preferred leisure activity: art, music, games, walking my dog
political belief: I share bits of perspective from many sides
religious affiliation: n/a
state of health: healthy
economic status: middle class
age: 25
generational identity: generation y or millenniums
marital status: single
diet: food - love it, except for seafood
preferred websites: amazon, etsy, Smithsonian
music: almost all types, surf, rockabilly, jazz, blues, old country, pop, funk, rock, 80s', indie, punk, alternative, folk, Americana, classic rock, reggae, etc.
taste in fashion: simple, I buy what I can afford and is comfortable -but I love retro and vintage stuff
taste in art: abstract, German expressionism, cubism, pop, figurative - appreciate almost all of it
Blog # 8: Self Identification: Personality (3.B)
Blog # 7: Self-Identification: Personal - (3.A)

- When I am not very productive
- When my pallet of mixed colors of paint dries out - and my unfinished paintings start to collect dust
- When I don't spend enough time with the important people in my life
- When I talk too much and if I interrupt others
- When I watch T.V.
- When I don't walk my dog or play frisbee with her often
- When I eat junk food or go out to eat too often
- If I am not prepared
- That I temporally stopped making/writing music
- When I slack-off on my sketchbook/journal
- If my schedule has conflicts and I am unable to do what I have told someone I could do
- When I think about how lucky I am compared to many people in the world
- That I don't keep up my second language - and my little sister has mastered it
- That I am so not Eco-friendly by commuting to Iowa City and the amount of $ I throw to the gas companies
What makes me feel worthy?
- Making art
- Being myself and a trying my best
- Being a good and reliable friend, sister, daughter,girlfriend, and employee
- Getting my art education teaching certification and braving the education system
- Sticking with my passion and doing what is important to me
- Helping others
- Donating my art for a good cause
- My dog, Sierra, was rescued from the pound
- Volunteering
What makes me laugh?
- Funny movies
- myself
- My friends and family
- My dog, Sierra
- The ironies of life
- Retelling my once most embarrassing childhood memories/stories about my siblings and myself
- King of Queens, the Office, and The Colbert Report
What embarrasses me?
- Being late
- Telling a story and I totally forget the point that I was going to make
- When I totally misinterpret something
- If I fall in front of a bunch of people
- When I grab the best looking apple in the produce aisle and the rest of the pile spills on to the floor
What thrills me?
- A beautiful day
- Roller coasters
- Being able to go on a vacation
- When we bought our fist home
- Throwing a fun party
- Going to live concerts
- Going to Johnny's Italian Steakhouse
What comforts me?
- A great pair of PJs and slippers
- My significant other
- A cup of coffee or hot tea
- Ice cream
- A bath
- Writing in my journal
- Bonfires or a fire in the fireplace
- Being in a greenhouse
- Reading bibliographies
What makes me sad?
- When others are in pain
- My cell phone and cable bill
- When I see paper in the garbage can and not in a recycle bin
- When I see the homeless holding signs by the interstate ramps
- Schools that don't have art classrooms
- If I miss a special event
- Abused animals